Monday 12 May 2014

Fashion Design and its Potential Career Pathway’s

Fashion design is one of the most sought after careers in today’s date. It is also one of the most rewarding careers as a good designer can rise in the industry very quickly as their designs are worn by the rich and famous. The career is all about creativity; therefore any student who is interested in pursuing a career in fashion design should definitely embody an aesthetic sense. In addition, there is also a rise in demand of accessories such as jewellery, shoes, handbags, etc as well.
A career in fashion design involves the knowledge of both the creative as well as the technical aspects of making clothes and accessories. A fashion designers work is not just limited to designing clothes but also includes accessories such as jewelry, shoes and small leather goods. Hence, the prospects that the industry has are numerous. From a creative and technical designer to a sketcher, pattern designer or textile designer, the options are innumerable. Students can also diversify and venture into textile manufacturing, apparel manufacturing, consulting or set up their own private label. Fashion designer can work with apparel wholesalers, textile mills, footwear and accessory manufacturers.
Moreover, there is an increasing demand for stylish and cheap clothes which is expected to create new opportunities for students pursuing fashion design. One can also start their own private label by designing clothes for the masses or work for firms that are making clothes for the same income bracket. Such firms usually supply clothing to either departmental stores or retail chain stores.
These are just some options that are available to those who are intending to pursue a career in the fashion industry. A person can always diversify what is being taught and start something themselves. The fashion industry will more than suffice a person’s creative and monetary needs.

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